Khan Market
New Delhi, Delhi

With the aim of supporting emerging contemporary artists, Gallery Ragini presents its new initiative titled Platform, a monthly feature of hosting the artworks of one emerging artist every month. The first display consists of acrylics by Suchit Sahni that would be showcased.

Says Nidhi Jain, Director, Gallery Ragini: “We will organize a year-long series of monthly shows by different artists. The entire programme has been conceptualized to provide a platform to those artists who are going to shape our future art market. As a gallerist, it is important to recognize these hidden gems who are our future as a little nurturing can help them blossom. It is like bringing these artists into limelight by providing an initial space for display to those who can’t afford solo shows.”

Adds Nidhi Jain: “We would be displaying about 6-8 works of the chosen artist in Choko La, where the sunlit room provides an apt environment for art accompanied by a relaxed cup of coffee. This concept of combining cafés with art is popular world over and with Platform we attempt to recreate the same combination in Delhi. However, this platform is not only limited to young emerging artists alone, instead works by those who started their career mid-life will also get a chance. For instance, art by R.C Pandey from Kanpur is scheduled for display next month at the same venue.”

Coming back to the self taught abstractionist Suchit Sahni, he has been chosen to open the series keeping in mind his approach towards youth and city life. Born in 1977, Suchit gave up a cushy business career to enter the world of art. Being born and brought up in Delhi, Suchit’s paintings reflect his understanding and observation of the city. The city through Suchit’s eye is a maze with complex facades, creating a line of illusion, separating people from inside and outside the buildings.

Inspired by the metropolis, his works are a reflection of his quirky self and focus on urban Indian scenario. Viewers can get a glimpse of whacky cars, peanut sellers and the Ghats of Banaras in his intriguing works.
Suchit mostly works with acrylic and engages with visual play of colour, lines and forms. Explains Suchit about his works: “My works are primarily abstract, with the occasional hint of a figure. I have a personal liking for colours and you will discover my canvasses pulsating with bold and bright hues of red, blue and green, speaking about youth and contemporary pop culture with a difference. Through my works, I have explored everyday symbol of urban environment. It attempts to capture the ordinary urban life shrouded with mystery, strife and essence of a city life.”

The entire body of Suchit’s works is design driven and dominated by elements of geometrical patterns. His work titled Metropolis is a colourful flux where images move into a realm of abstraction as if the artist sees the life of the city through a kaleidoscope.
Through the splashes of his vibrant colours, the artist creates a space where the treatment is contemporary but the subject very Indian, leaving open visual delights for the coffee- sippers.

Added by shefalimathpal on September 9, 2009

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