1257 W 120th Ave
Westminster, Colorado 80234


Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez recently joined Iranian president Mahmoud Amadinejad in threatening to raise oil prices to $200 per barrel. The threat should be taken quite seriously. With no practical transportation fuel alternative to petroleum available to the world market, the OPEC oil cartel has already been successful in raising prices an order of magnitude since 1999, with a 50 percent increase in 2007 alone.

In his book Energy Victory: Winning the War on Terror by Breaking Free of Oil, world-renowned engineer and best-selling author Dr. Robert Zubrin lays out a bold plan for breaking the economic stranglehold that the OPEC oil cartel has on the US as well as the rest of the world. Zubrin presents persuasive evidence that our decades-long relationship with OPEC has resulted in the looting of our economy, the corruption of our political system, and now the funding and protection of terrorist regimes and movements that are committed to our destruction.

Join us as we take a fascinating look at the world of energy and some of the options that we should be considering. Please mark your calendars to be part of this historic discission.

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of DaVinciDeb.

Added by DaVinci Institute on May 14, 2008

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