6323 Colonel Glenn Rd
Little Rock, Arkansas 72204

Funny Valentines: Childrens author Andy Robbins has been an unhappy bachelor since his divorce from his former collaborator Ellen. On one incredible day Ellen reenters his life (eight months pregnant), his agent arrives with a TV contract that needs both their signatures, as a beautiful lawyer appears to wrap up the deal. Then Ellens mother makes an unexpected appearance! Andy tries to fix things up yet only makes things worse! Completely rattled Andy lies and introduces the lawyer as his agents fiancee while he tries to get Ellen to sign a contract she opposes. Come and watch the hilarity as Andy tries to win his wife and career back by final curtain.(A charming romantic comedy.) When :February 17 - March 15 Dinner :11 a.m. - 12:40 p.m. Ticket Prices: Sunday Evening - Thursday - $30 Friday & Saturday - $32 Matinees & Preview Nights- $28 Children 15 and Under -$22 Season Tickets - $150

Added by Upcoming Robot on March 14, 2009

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