470 Florida St
San Francisco, California 94110

Funny But Mean Plays To Win

Funny But Mean is back with an original sketch comedy bonanza. You'll see the snuff film audition, the phantom of Ellis/Brooks and wen bad viral marketing goes wrong (banned in Boston.

ATJT 470 Florida Street (between 17th and Mariposa)

Monday - Wednesday, March 5th - 7th
All times 8pm

Tickets $10
For reservations call: (415) 682-4377

John Anaya
Dd Ashby
Alexandra Creighton
Kevin Crook
Barbara Early
Jason Frazier
Lena Mullins
Anthony Nemirovsky
Ignacio Orellana-Garcia
Frannie Pope
Zoƫ Stagg
Liam Vincent

Official Website: http://www.funnybutmean.com

Added by FunnyButMean on February 12, 2007