Banten, Banten

Need a fast, reliable way to get your marketing know-how up to speed? This intensive, action-oriented workshop is the answer.

If you’re new to marketing and need a basic—yet thorough—overview, this training is for you. In just three days, you’ll learn the fundamentals behind successful marketing. You’ll get a complete grounding in the essentials and begin to develop the skills and techniques necessary to become a marketer who can help your company develop a marketing orientation to enhance the bottom line.
How You Will Benefit

* Acquire the basic marketing skills, tools and techniques to identify, evaluate and solve marketing problems
* Understand the components that make up compelling marketing plans that succeed in capturing customer value within a competitive environment
* Discover creative ways to apply marketing principles and practices to compete successfully in today’s business environment
* Understand the “why’s” behind basic marketing practices
* Begin to think like a world-class marketer

What You Will Cover

Understanding the Role of Marketing

* Define what marketing is and how it fits into the organization
* Create a marketing system exchange map
* Learn why marketing-oriented companies typically outperform other companies

Using Market Research and Market Intelligence Information Systems

* Identify the types of information found in market research
* Define the six steps of the market research process
* Explore models of consumer decision making

Leveraging Marketing Strategies

* Summarize strategic approaches to the planning process
* Compare mass marketing to segmentation marketing
* Classify ways to segment the market in both business-to-consumer and business-to-business environments
* Analyze segments and the targeting process
* Construct a differentiated positioning strategy

Understanding and Aligning the Components of the Marketing Mix

* Learn the components of marketing tactics and how they align with one another
* Learn how to see products as a bundle of customer-desired benefits
* Explore various pricing objectives and strategies
* Compare and contrast various distribution options
* Discover the strengths and weaknesses of various promotional methods

Creating Customer Value, Satisfaction and Loyalty

* Analyze the benefits and rationale behind developing customer value, satisfaction and loyalty
* Understand how marketing communication programs can cultivate strong customer relationship efforts
* Look at the importance of CRM systems in supporting customer relation efforts

Who Should Attend

Newly appointed marketers with less than three years of experience in marketing, as well as product, brand and advertising managers, business professionals and executives who need to understand the importance of marketing’s role in generating profits and a framework to think like a world-class marketer.
Extended Training Description

Learning Objectives

* What Role Marketing Plays within Organizations
* Why Marketing-Oriented Companies Out Perform Others
* How to Use Market Research and Market Intelligence Information Systems to Better Understand the Customer
* What the Purposes of Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning, and Differentiation Are
* How to Align the Four Ps—Product, Price, Placement, and Promotion
* How to Create Customer Satisfaction, Value, and Loyalty
* Describe the Components of a Compelling Marketing Plan That Succeeds in Capturing Customer Value within a Competitive Environment
* Apply Marketing Principles and Practices to Compete Successfully in the Contemporary Business World
* Explain the "Whys" Behind the Development of Fundamental Marketing Practices
* Walk Away Thinking Like a Marketer

Marketing Overview

* Define Marketing—Both the Term and the Role It Plays within an Organization
* Describe a Marketing System Exchange Map
* Explain Why Marketing-Oriented Companies Typically Out Perform Other Companies

Develop Understanding

* Identify the Type of Information Found in Market Research and Market Intelligence Gathering Systems
* Describe the Six Steps of the Market Research Process
* Compare How Macro-Environmental Trends Can Be Used to Shape Decision Making
* Define Markets and Consumers from B2C and B2B Perspectives, and Describe How Decision Making Occurs
* Identify What Is Important to Understand about Your Competition in Order to Make Informed Marketing Decisions

Planning Marketing Strategies

* Summarize the Strategic Planning Process
* Compare Mass Marketing to Segmentation Marketing
* Classify Ways to Segment the Market in Both B2C and B2B Environments
* Analyze Segments to Select Targets
* Construct a Differentiated Positioning Strategy


* Explain How the Four Ps Align with One Another
* Describe How the Product Itself Can Impact the Marketing Efforts
* Explain Various Pricing Objectives and Strategies
* Compare Various Distribution Options and When/How They Should be Used
* Define Various Promotion Options for Marketers and When They Should be Used

Creating Customer Value

* Analyze the Benefits and Rationale Behind Wanting to Create Customer Value, Satisfaction, and Loyalty
* Explain Marketing Communication Programs That Can Cultivate Strong Customer Relationships and the Role of Database/CRM Systems in Supporting These Efforts

Official Website:

Added by training.focus on March 22, 2009

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