7051 Dublin Blvd
San Francisco East Bay, California 94568


Come join Wired's Relationships & Sex Advice Columnist Regina Lynn, making a special trip up from LA, to talk to eBiggers about what she has coined "CONNECTIVITY COMPATIBILITY".

The majority of the focus of this workshop will be on personal relationships, but we will also tap into Regina's expertise to explore all types of relationships, such as in the family (why don't your kids call when they say they will?), work place (what do you do about your boss who thinks you should be checking mails at 1am, or what about YOU when you check mails at 1am, or how about that pesky but otherwise good client who thinks that because he/she has your cell phone number you are at his/her beck and call?), or volunteering, or other ways in which being "always connected" has impacted your relationships and how to manage this new phenomenon.

When choosing friends and mates, we look for financial, moral, physical and emotional compatibility. We decide whether we can live with one another's politics, relatives and religion. Now it's time to add another consideration to the list: connectivity.

Do you and your friends have the same communication methods (phone vs. mail vs. in person)? Do you and your partners have the same needs for flirtatious emails? Do disagreements get caused by misinterpreting messages sent? Do you wish your partner would call you more frequently -- or call you only half as often? How have email, public wifi, instant messaging, and cell phones changed your relationships, or your expectations about relationships?

Join Regina Lynn, sex-tech columnist at Wired.com and author of "The Sexual Revolution 2.0," for an evening of conversation that explores what it means to live and love in an ever-more-connected world.

This is a FREE event. We are asking for a donation instead for Hurricane Katrina victims (Red Cross).

Added by minaksk on October 5, 2005



6:30-7:00pm Networking, light snacks
7:00-8:30pm Presentation & Discussion
8:30-9:00pm Q&A

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