52 W 6th St
Santa Rosa, California 95401

"Fully Committed"
PRODUCER: 6th Street Playhouse presents

WHAT: “Fully Committed” By Becky Mode
An encore presentation “Fully Committed” featuring Dan Saski.

This hysterical one-man show follows a day in the life of Sam Peliczowski, a hapless, out-of-work actor who has the unenviable job of taking the telephone reservations for Manhattan’s trendiest new restaurant. While juggling scheming socialites, name-dropping wannabes, fickle celebrities and egomaniacal bosses, can Sam manage to land choice part in a production Lincoln Center in addition to making home for the holidays to spend Christmas with his recently widowed dad? “Fully Committed” is a hilarious, yet touching 90-minute high-wire act with over 40 characters played by one actor.

Directed by Dan Saski
A co-production by the 6th Street Playhouse and Dan Saski.

WHEN: Nov. 4 to Nov. 12, 2011
8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays
2 p.m. Saturdays
8 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 10, 2011

LOCATION: 6th Street Playhouse
Studio Theatre, 52 West 6th Street, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Located in historic Railroad Square

TICKETS: $20 per person.

PHONE: 707-523-4185
Order tickets by telephone, online or purchase at the door.
Reservations recommended.

WEB SITE: www.6thstreetplayhouse.com

CAST: Featuring Dan Saski as Sam Peliczowski and 40 other characters.

Official Website: http://www.6thstreetplayhouse.com

Added by KimTaylorpr on September 22, 2011

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