3, Doughty Mews
London, England WC1N 2PG

This seminar will look at the formation of Egyptian collections and the role of museums in bringing ancient Egypt to the public and as the interface between research-based Egyptology and the public’s perception of ancient cultures. The seminar will be led by:

Dr Karen Exell, curator of Egypt and Sudan, the Manchester Museum
Dr Ashley Cooke, Head of Antiquities & Curator of Egypt & the Near East, National Museums, Liverpool

This event is open to members of the Egypt Exploration Society only.

Attendance will be limited to 20 people and early application is therefore strongly recommended. Coffee and tea will be provided on arrival and during the afternoon session and there will be a one hour break for lunch. There are many restaurants/cafés on In the nearby Lambs Conduit Street and Grays Inn Road. Members may also bring sandwiches to eat in the office.

Official Website: http://www.ees.ac.uk/membership/events.htm

Added by The Egypt Exploration Society on August 8, 2008