779 N. Front St.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202

Freevox Story Tellers at the Safe House. Dave Hendrickson presents Real Stories by Real People on Tuesday, 8 pm, May 18. A microphone, a couple of lights, and clean stories told with no notes or scripts. And no cover charge.
Story tellers have varying degrees of stage experience and subject matter is wide open: serious stories, stories with humor, outright funny stories and outrageous stories all in a cozy, intimate environment at the Safe House.
While some story tellers are booked in advance, others may be worked into the lineup as time permits. Show up at least 15 minutes early to sign up. www.freevox.us
Safe House. 779 N. Front St. 414-271-2007. www.safe-house.com

Added by jacktyrade on May 10, 2010

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