242 Linda Mesa
Danville CA, California 94526

Beginning/Advanced Beginning yoga class. This class is ideal for those with some yoga experience or athletic beginners: deepen your experience of postures, learn more challenging one and explore breathing practices. Leave feeling renewed and revitalized! Bring a yoga mat and thick blanket to class. Your first class is FREE!
Addl classes available for drop-in and series.

Class is taught in the Iyengar tradition by Howard VanEs, founder of www.letsdoyoga.com who has been teaching yoga for over 14 years and is the author of "Beginning Yoga: A Practice Manual, and several yoga audios.

This weekly class is held at the Danville Women's Club building at 242 Linda Mesa Ave. in Danville.

Official Website: http://letsdoyoga.com/yoga/classschedule.html

Added by al_booby on July 20, 2010

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