Online Event
London, England se1 onw

Next free HR Alumni web seminar taking place soon.

Date: 22nd July 2009 | Time: 15:00 CET (Central European Time)

How Evidence-Based Management can stop HR being damaged by fads and fashions?

Professor Rob Briner
Professor of Organizational Psychology Head of the School of Management and Organizational Psychology, Birkbeck University

You will discover:

•Exactly what is evidence-based practice?

•To what extent are management decisions evidence-based?

•How do fads and fashions get in the way of effective decision-making?

•How can organizations develop evidence-based management

Places strictly limited - Register now for your free place

Please pass this on to any colleagues who might also be interested and I hope to see you there.

Don’t hesitate to contact me for any further information

Kind regards


Official Website:

Added by jspr27 on July 13, 2009

Interested 1