1646 Sycamore Street
Iowa City, Iowa 52240

This free community event that will go nationwide is hosted by author and certified training consultant C. Paschal Eze and features coffee and helpful tips, tools and techniques from his expert friends to encourage, equip and empower America's unemployed.

The experts include Maria Pinochet, start-up advisor, marketing consultant and president of Kore Access, Inc. Pensacola Florida, Tony Mottley, two-time Emmy Awards winner and president of Duet Digital Media, LLC Detroit Michigan, Dr. Brenda Lewis, Minnesota educational administrator and adjunct professor, Simos D. Farrell, nationally certified resume writer and career coach and president Career Excellence Advisors, Florida, and David Chapman King, global entrepreneur and marketing consultant.

Are you unemployed? RSVP now at http://www.globalmarkmakers.com/contacts.

Added by Global Mark Makers on October 24, 2011

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