New York, New York

Free Tech Webinar on: How to create a strong verbal brand in this job market?

Presented by Dilip Saraf
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - 12:00 Noon – 01:00 PM cordially invites you to join a Technology related webinar on title “How to create a strong verbal brand in this job market?”

Benefits of the webinar:

Most technology professionals come up short when it comes to verbalizing their message. From their resume, to their LinkedIn Profile, to how they project their message when applying for jobs leaves much to be desired. This webinar is about creating what has now come to be known as an Inductive Resume to project a verbal message that stands above the crowd and gets attention. Learn how to write a resume that gets noticed, how to create a LinkedIn Profile that attracts recruiters to it, and how to go after a job that you thought was out of your reach!

Speaker's Profile:

Webinar will be presented by Dilip Saraf, LinkedIn’s #1 Career Coach. He left the corporate world as head of engineering of high-tech company nearly 25 years back and has gone through four very different careers since then. As a career coach he has worked with over 5,000 clients globally in a variety of industries and authored five books (his sixth one is in it’s final stages) and countless blogs on career management, job search, leadership, and re-invention. Dilip resides in the Silicon Valley and works with clients globally. Registration:

To register for this webinar, Visit
There will be an opportunity to ask your questions and doubts at the end of the webinar. Register now and join with us. Feel free to forward this message to your friends and colleagues.

Official Website:

Added by Jagatha_M on February 24, 2012

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