605 Main St
Middletown, Connecticut 06457

The immediate world is the key that unlocks the secrets of your creative universe.

In a state of naive awareness, action is inspired by feeling and intuition, free from social fear and judgement. Jef Johnson will address the challenges of performance and creative discovery in a world fractured by insecurity and fear.
Jef Johnson is a leader in the field of performance theory. His
research focuses on naive experience, consciousness, play, patterned behavior and social identity. He is a principal clown in the Broadway and International touring company of Slava’s Snowshow. He has been investigating performance and play for the past 25 years and has more than 20 years of experience performing in a wide range of styles.

He has given Master Classes, Lectures and Workshops for many
organizations, theatre companies and universities, including Cirque du Soleil (Quidam), Nouveau Clown Institute (Barcelona), Slava’s Snowshow, Circo Sentido (Mexico), Cirko de Mente (Mexico), Camp Broadway, University of Houston, University of Pennsylvania, Columbia
University, SUNY, CUNY, NYU and CENART (Mexico).

Drawing from his own experience in sport, science, theater and clown,
he has been inspiring people all over the world through the power of creative curiosity, discovery, and play.

Jef Johnson’s workshops, labs and lectures have been attended by athletes,
artists, actors, dancers, writers, lawyers, philosophers, anthropologists, clowns, doctors, professors, teachers and professionals from a wide range of disciplines.

Added by elesia_b on May 2, 2011

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