3206 N Shepherd Dr, Enter Building on 34th St. @Shepherd
Houston, Texas 77018

ORIENTATION TO INNER HEALING PRAYER What is inner healing? Find answers at our quarterly orientations
which includes an introductory teaching, a live demonstration and a
question & answer session. Saturdays: January 17th, May 16th, July 11th
Time: 9 am - Noon
Suggested Offering: Free with a continental breakfast-please RSVP

Organized by The Inner Healing Institute
The Inner Healing Institute, is the education department of Serenity Retreat for Healing and Spiritual Renewal -www.InnerHealingInstitute.org

Ticket Info:  R.S.V.P. -Registration, Free

Official Website: http://freeorientation-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 20, 2009

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