32083 Alvarado Niles Rd
Union City, California 94587

The Art of Living Foundation is actively involved in the community to help people deal with stress in an easy and holistic manner ... simply by attending to the breath! We are conducting FREE Mind-Body Wellness Program to create awareness about a better way to live no matter what the external circumstances.

No Breath No Life, Know Breath Know Life

The first act we do in our life is to breathe in. And the last act of our life is to breathe out. Between this first breath in and the last breath out are all the breaths that we call life. The breath is our best friend -- it's always with us. And yet, we hardly know much about it. What's more ... it holds some timeless secrets to our health, peace of mind, and well-being.

In this two-hour FREE Mind-Body Wellness Program you'll learn how to use your breath to instantly

* make your mind calm
* control negative emotions
* create a sense of well-being
* infuse your body with prana
* detoxify through the breath
* increase energy and vitality

You'll also learn Principles of Healthy Living, Effortless Meditation, and how to chart a new course for your life!

RSVP online : http://secure.artofliving.org/event_details.aspx?event_id=2666

Official Website: http://artofliving.org

Added by rameshhadli on March 3, 2009

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