3131 Walnut St
Denver, Colorado 80205

Cool Kid Collective is Matt Bowen, Frankie Goodrich, and J.D. Leath. The trio came together in August of 2008, but have quickly built an amazing following drawing huge crowds to their club and venue shows along with numerous high profile private parties and events. Their incredible sound, energy and stage show has brought swift attention from major labels and management companies from across the country. They have been in numerous bands prior to the CKC project including, but not limited to, O. Period, Kepteclectic, Shemoan, and Rare Breed. The guys have collectively opened for such acts as Busta Rhymes, Incubus, Hed(pe), Rehab, Ben Harper, Bone Thugs N’ Harmony, and Corey Smith. They are currently gearing up for their tour!! CKC will be leaving there home state of North Carolina and be touring up and down the east coast for the most of the summer in 2009. Check dates for shows every few days for newly added shows in your neck of the woods!

Official Website: http://www.thewalnutroom.com

Added by thewalnutroom on July 7, 2009

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