909 South 107th Avenue
Omaha, Nebraska 68114

Flex Camp is a FREE event sponsored by Adobe where web developers can come and get a better understanding of Adobe Flex and Adobe AIR. Flex is a framework that helps you build dynamic, interactive rich Internet applications. Flex applications are delivered on the web via the Flash Player or to the desktop via Adobe AIR. Flex Camp Omaha is a half-day event featuring some top industry experts on Adobe Flex and AIR. Come advance your Flex skills and network with local companies and fellow developers. Sessions will be geared towards developers with beginning to moderate levels of experience with Flex. There will be plenty of giveaways, raffles and swag.

This event is free for all attendees, but space is limited so don't wait to register!

Official Website: http://flexcamp-omaha.eventbrite.com/

Added by nicole_sell on November 27, 2007

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