250 E. Market Street
York, Pennsylvania 17403

The public is invited on Wednesday, March 17, 2010 to join the York Civil War Round Table when Dick Simpson presents his slide program, "Missouri 1861 and the Battle of Wilson's Creek". This program that is free and open to the public, will take place at the York Heritage Trust, 250 E. Market St. York, Pennsylvania at 7:00 p.m.

On August 10, 1861, Union Brigadier General Nathaniel Lyon with 5,400 troops would meet Confederate General Sterling Price's 12,000 men along Wilson's Creek near Springfield, Missouri. It would be one of the most significant Civil War battles west of the Mississippi.

Despite being outnumbered over two to one, Lyon decided to use the element of surprise to attack the Confederates in their camps along the creek. He planned a two prong, pincer attack. Colonel Franz Sigel would attack from the south with 1,200 men and Lyon would attack from the north with 3,200 men. Sigel's flanking attack started well while at the same time Lyon's force surprised the Confederates in their camps along the creek. But, as you will see in the slide program, Civil War battles never go as planned. Sigel turns tail and General Lyon will be the first Union general killed in combat during the Civil War. It's a western battle you won't want to miss.

Over the years, Wilson's Creek has been able to maintain its pristine condition and remain largely the same as it was in 1861. However, as recent growth in the Springfield area continues to increase, this critical battlefield is under severe threat from residential development and urban sprawl. The final part of the program will be a tour of the battlefield as it looks today.

A raffle of Civil War books will be held to raise money for the Wilson's Creek National Foundation.

Dick, an ever popular Civil War lecturer, now lectures from Maryland to Maine to Civil War Round Tables and Historical Organizations. Dick has been touring Civil War battlefields since Junior High School, mostly following the 3rd and 15th Vermont Regiments in which his relatives fought and died. He now lectures on the "Battle of Franklin, Tennessee", "Gettysburg, America's Greatest Art Park", "Missouri 1861 and the Battle of Wilson's Creek", "The 2nd Vermont Brigade, Gettysburg Heroes", and "The Battle of Pea Ridge". Dick has raised thousands of dollars for battlefield preservation through Civil War book raffles and Round Table donations at these programs.

Dick also enjoys being a civilian Civil War reenactor portraying Vermont's Civil War governor, Frederick Holbrook.

For directions and information call Lila Fourhman-Shaull at the York Heritage Trust.
717-848-1587, ext. 223

Added by scottmingus on March 15, 2010

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