320 S. Cambridge Lane (Corner of Butler and Sawmill Rd.)
Flagstaff, Arizona 86001

Discover the creamy freshness of Arizona-made goat
Cheeses from Fossil Creek Creamery with cheese
maker John Bittner, Tuesday, August 9 at 5:30-7:30pm
at New Frontiers Natural Marketplace. Fossil Creek
Creamery makes some of the freshest cheeses in
Arizona made from pampered, hand-raised goats,
including soft, spreadable Chevre, available in several
flavors and Havarti, a versatile cheese which is great
for snacking and fabulous in recipes.
The most surprising product and one of our favorites
is Fossil Creek’s own Goat Milk Fudge, just downright
delicious. Join John Bittner and find out why happy
goats produce the very best milk in Arizona.
All Fossil Creek Creamery products, including Goat
Milk Fudge are 20% off the entire month of August
at New Frontiers Natural Marketplace Specialty
Cheese Department.

New Frontiers: “We’re all about Your quality of life!”

Added by priyadrews on July 21, 2011

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