Toronto, Ontario

Dzian: the Koans of new time.

Written in the period of 2008-2011 by a well-recognized teacher of Original Buddhist Thought and Esoteric Vedanta, UNESCO artists and author, poetess and thinker, Mila Shugurova, Dzian: The Koans of New Time was published in 2012.

All readers who encountered it felt excellent, they journeyed into the higher states of consciousness in a Natural Way through the readings of Dzian, which means Wisdom in the ancient language of the Teaching of Kalachakra.

Dzian speaks to each one of us, from within the Heart. Dzian is simple, yet genius. Its koans indeed open New Time of the Universe, and our participation in It as the Mystery.


Official Website:

Added by OlgaShugurova on April 2, 2013

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