320 S. Cambridge Lane (Corner of Butler and Sawmill Rd.)
Flagstaff, Arizona 86001

Discover your bone density with a free bone scan sponsored by
Rainbow Light Thursday, September 22, from 11- 6pm at New
Frontiers Natural Marketplace.

You will receive a radiation-free Achilles Ultrasound Scan
by trained technician, immediate written results, explanation
and interpretation. This free, non-invasive reading, taken
on your bare heel can cost up to $300 at the doctor’s office.
If this is your first bone density scan, it can serve as a base
line to compare for future bone strength or you can compare
it to previous scans to see how you are doing.

This free service is provided by Rainbow Light, makers of high
quality calcium products, sold at New Frontiers
Natural Marketplace. Call New Frontiers Customer Service to
make your appointment for your free bone scan 928-774-5747.

New Frontiers - “We’re all about Your quality of life!”

Added by priyadrews on August 23, 2011

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