Houston, Texas

Event Details

The average business spends only 25% of its training dollars on developing people skills, as opposed to 75% on product, technology, and administration. Every business is a victim of this phenomenon! What happened to “You catch more flies with honey rather than vinegar” or “People buy from whom they like”? So while your company is teaching how to use technology, who is teaching the importance of customer relations? Eye to eye, face to face, ear to ear…we must improve or we’re destined to fail!

Join us on August 11th where Anne Sadovsky will share techniques to help you and your staff be Likeable in 30 Seconds or Less--because we all know how far a first impression goes!
> > Register Now!

Anne Sadovsky is the owner of a Dallas based marketing, consulting and seminar firm – where she and her associates provide training, keynotes and counsel to a variety of industries, businesses and associations. She is the former Vice President of Marketing and Education of Lincoln Property Company. Her expertise in multifamily housing (since 1968!) makes her a sought after consultant and trainer.

This webinar would not be possible without the support of our amazing sponsors, Contact at Once and Call-Em-All. So please take a moment to check them out!

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Added by Felicia Norman on June 28, 2011

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