Toronto Multicultural Experience: A review of the past, a look at the present, a peek at the future.
Working from the premise that multiculturalism recognizes and supports ethnocultural, racial, and religious diversity and full participation by all of its diverse citizens in the economic, political, and social life of the country, this year’s lecture will look at recent studies of diversity in the Toronto area and include reflections by the participating panelists about their overall experience.
Speakers include:
• Dr. Mohammed Qadeer, Adjunct Professor, School of Urban and Regional Planning, Ryerson University, Professor Emeritus of Queen’s University, and coauthor of the recent study “The Evolution of Ethnic Enclaves and Social Cohesion in Toronto.”
• Susan Hare, practicing lawyer and board member of the Aboriginal Healing Foundation.
• Jack Marmer, Past President of the LIFE Institute, retired founder of Marmer Penner Inc.
• Dr. George Dei, Professor in the Department of Sociology and Equity Studies in Education, OISE.
• Haroon Siddiqui, Editorial Page Editor Emeritus, Toronto Star, and a member of the Ryerson Journalism Program Advisory Board.
Official Website:
Added by lgaucher on September 3, 2009