3801 Computer Dr., Suite 101
Raleigh, North Carolina 27609

A customized 4-class series for small business owners and sales professionals
Developed and presented by Martin Brossman.
Dates and Location: 4/28, 5/12, 6/9 and 6/30 All workshops are 2-5pm
Team Nimbus, 3801 Computer Drive, Raleigh, NC 27609 919-847-4757
Cost: $25 per session, or all four sessions for $90.
To register: http://4parttraining.eventbrite.com/
Designed to speak specifically to participants in the TEAM NIMBUS ‘100 Days to Abundance* (for $1.00 a Day) program, the comprehensive topics in this series address the top social media platforms and how to strategically use them.
4/28 Using Social Networking to Grow your Business
This workshop presents a powerful overview of Social Media and Reputation Management on the Web. Martin will emphasize skills for managing the transparent conversation that exists for every business and business owner on the Web, taking into account real world time limitations.
You’ll learn smart business applications of these online tools that will enable your business to successfully compete and grow, even on a limited budget. By building your solid reputation on the Web now, it will be hard for your competition to catch up with you in the future.
This customized training will include:
▪understanding and tracking your web presence
▪using the web to stay closer to your clients and enhance customer loyalty
▪using web transparency that builds a positive, earned reputation with your target clients
▪understanding the effective use of Social Media for your business and how to manage it with finite resources
Basics of Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Blogging and YouTube for business are included.
All participants will receive a valuable eBook resource guide with direct links to a large number of useful free sites.
5/12 How to Use LinkedIn* and InSide919 for Positive Business Results

LinkedIn.com is a powerful on-line business networking resource based on the idea of "6 degrees of separation" and has a large global community. Inside919.com is one of the fastest-growing on-line networking websites focused on small business in the 919 area code. This class will provide a good working knowledge of both sites for increasing your business, your sales, and enhancing your career. Many of us already have busy lives and this course will show you how to get the maximum benefit without spending a lot of time on the Web.
You will learn the multi-faceted applications of LinkedIn, including:
- Being easily found by your prospects and your customers
- Making it easier for others to refer you
- Building relationships inside your prospect’s company
- Directly reaching the people you can help in an appropriate way
- Getting yourself in front of people who make a difference
Also, discover the local benefit of joining InSide919, a powerful tool for connecting interactively with other businesses. With a current base of over 2700 North Carolina small businesses, the primary growth of the group has been through grass roots referrals − good businesses recommending other good businesses. Signing up is free, but the real currency is reputation building and the contacts to be gained by contributing to the group.
*Class prerequisite: You must have signed up for LinkedIn, filled out your basic profile, and successfully connected to at least one other person. You may bring a laptop if it can run on batteries during the class. If you bring a laptop it is asked that you pay close attention and not fall behind in the class by being distracted by other items on-line.
6/9 Facebook for Business and Social Networking
Facebook.com is an increasingly popular tool for building your business, your brand and staying closer to your customers. With the use of both the personal profile and the business Pages, a strong presence on Facebook can lead to business from friends and acquaintances. and enhance your exposure on the web by allowing people to become fans of your business.
In this training you will learn:
- The appropriate use of a personal profile and business page
- How to build and use a business page that can seen by Google.com
- When do business and pleasure mix
- How to generate relevant content for your page.
With over 250 million active Facebook users, many of your current and future customers are hanging out here. Why not join them? With the proper use of the personal and business platforms you can gain both indirect referrals and direct business. Learning how to leverage these resources with Facebook will be the focus of this training.
6/30 Twitter as a Tool to Enhance Business
Micro-Blogs like Twitter are another way to stay closely connected to your customers, friends and fans. It has been extensively used in political campaigns and provides a tool to give real time data about how people think. Its interactive quality gives it growing importance in the new world where traditional "interruption advertising" is gaining less and less attention.
Applications of Twitter have included: learning about real time weather disasters with newer information than the news; finding the right people and being able to understand more about them than their own website; gaining real time answers from a larger number of people; enhancing viral marketing; and learning about small problems related to a business before they become bigger ones. Many creative uses can be found daily.
Learn to use Twitter to:
- build your brand
- enhance your reputation
- increase connection to your customers
- expand your web presence
- generate valuable content to attract Google and your prospects
You’ll also learn:
- the simple steps to set up your Twitter account
- the difference between a public message and a personal message
- the steps to customizing your profile and settings
- the power of 140 character messages
- the magic of “#” in Twitterland
- Twitter etiquette
- how Twitter relates to Facebook, LinkedIn and other social networking sites
- how to distinguish between the noise and items of value
- how to determine who is following you
Join us to understand this important component of the Social Media / Web 2.0 world explained in plain English, including the new terms related to this topic.
Led by Martin Brossman

This workshop presents a powerful overview of Social Media and Reputation Management on the Web. Martin will emphasize skills for managing the transparent conversation that exists for every business and business owner on the Web, taking into account real world time limitations.

You’ll learn how smart business application of these online tools allows a business with a limited budget to successfully compete and grow your business. By building your solid reputation on the Web now, it will be hard for your competition to catch up with you.

This customized training, designed to speak specifically to small business owners who participate in the 100 Days to Abundance (for $1.00 a Day) program, will include: understanding and tracking your web presence; using the web to stay closer to your clients and enhance customer loyalty; using web transparency that builds a positive, earned reputation with your target clients; and understanding the effective use of Social Media for your business and how to manage it with finite resources.

Originated by Team Nimbus, a small business coaching and consulting company, the 100 Days to Abundance (for $1.00 a Day) program is tailored for the business owner and sales professional. Its aim is to help business consistently increase business through strategic focus, referral partnership and accountability even in the face of a difficult economic climate.

This course will include Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Blogging and YouTube for business. All participants will receive a valuable eBook resource guide with direct links to a large number of useful free sites.

About Martin Brossman:
Martin is a success coach, speaker, trainer and author (www.coachingsupport.com) specializing in teaching new social media skills to accelerate growth for entrepreneurs and small businesses. He has been offering LinkedIn training in the Triangle community since 2006 and building a meaningful LinkedIn network (www.linkedin.com/in/martinbrossman). He has originated in-person and on-line networking groups which have facilitated valuable business connections among members. Martin’s IBM background and computer skills have powered his keen ability to create and teach crucial new Internet communications, such as blogging, podcasting and on-line networking. His own podcast show can be heard at www.lnquireOnLine.info . He offers consulting on how to generate profitable alliances by maximizing face-to-face and on-line presence and managing “the conversation of you” on the Web (www.ProNetworkingOnLine.com)

Added by alebak on April 14, 2010

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