St Clare / Temple Beth Emeth are sponsoring a forum, Justice and the Abolition of Hunger.
Eileen Spring, CEO of Food Gatherers; Stephanie Oswald, ICPJ Program Coordinator; and Julie Steiner, Ex. Director, Interfaith Hospitality Network will present and facilitate discussion on hunger in Michigan and elsewhere, what policies are working and what are not, alternatives to current policy, pending legislation and what we can do to influence it, ongoing community actions and ways of becoming involved, and religious grounds for making the abolition of hunger the interfaith community’s highest priority.
2 to 4 p.m., Lower Level Social Hall, St Clare / Temple Beth Emeth, 2309 Packard. For more information please contact mark Wenzel at [email protected] or 734.971.8608
Added by ICPJ on September 26, 2007