202 Harvard SE
ABQ, New Mexico 87106

Come Join this participatory workshop & learn the how-to's of preparing quick and nourishing meals that balance the body and the mind!
Learn about improving digestion, immunity, the benefits of live foods, sprouting, and listening your your own body's inner wisdom.

Bring a friend!
$10 Suggested Donation
All Vegan & Organic!

Location: The Albuquerque Center for Peace & Justice
202 Harvard SE
corner of Harvard on Silver
When: Sunday Feb 15th @ 6:45-8:00pm
Friday March 6th @ 3:00-4:45pm

Call For more info: 227-7965

Who is teaching the workshop?!
My name is Jenya and I have been studying Holistic Health and Alternative Medicine for the past three years. I am a graduate of the NM School of Natural Therapeutics and am a certified holistic health counselor and colon hydrotherapist. Healthy food and alternative lifestyle is my passion!

If interested in scheduling a colonic, please feel free to call! 227-7965

Added by Pachamama on February 10, 2009