1 10th St
Augusta, Georgia 30901

This exhibition will feature imaginative paintings and three-dimensional objects from the Morris’s permanent collection of art by traditional, self-taught, and visionary artists of the American South. By broadly defining this area of collecting, the museum has been inclusive, not exclusive, in its acquisition of traditionally transmitted and visionary paintings, sculpture, and ceramics. While art historians, folklorists, and other scholars continue to debate what qualifies one to be considered a “folk artist,” the Morris has chosen to cross disciplinary lines. Extending its collecting reach to include objects that represent various creative expressions of the region’s “folk” has enabled the museum to acquire the work of artists such as Howard Finster, George Andrews, Eldridge Bagley, and Chad Poovey. In order to give the public a chance to experience a wide range of folk art from the collection, the museum’s curatorial staff will rotate objects periodically during the run of the show.

Official Website: http://www.themorris.org

Added by Morris Museum of Art on April 29, 2009