7373 E Scottsdale Mall #6
Scottsdale, Arizona 85251

Meetup of flickr friends, open to all interested photographers:
Orange Table
7373 E Scottsdale Mall #6
Scottsdale, AZ 85251

Near the Scottsdale Center for the Arts, the Orange Table is where we may enjoy sandwiches and then those interested may go to the Rusty Spur for music and beer. All welcome to drop in to meet us between 5 pm and ? Please sign in as attendee for this event and you are welcome to bring friends. This event also listed in our discussion group.

Added by cobalt123 on September 30, 2007



I do not get off work until 8pm. Is it a possibility that this event will still be going on at about 8:30pm or so?


Oh yes, some will come earlier and others later. I will be one that stays later and I do hope that X-Czech is our guide after we leave the Orange Table. Foreign territory for me. If we know you are coming, I can give you my cellphone number so you may call to find where to meet up with us. of course parking will be harder the later into the night. But maybe we will have some eyewitness tips by then.


Oh, no pressure on me as far as "guiding" you, guys. But I will do my best.


Looks like only 4 of us are confirmed, so leading 3 folks won't be too bad, LOL! And I think the 4 of us are all in the same age group. Wait a min, that will require more walking time since I think you are most definitely the fittest of all, X-Czech!


Hi, all. I said on the Flickr discussion thread that I would be there, but I forgot to change my status to "Attending" here. I will be there! =)


the restaurant is sandwiched between Blue Moose Bar and Jewell of the Crown Indian restaurant.....AZ88 is just a tad to the north, on the same side....there's a outdoor patio where I will be sitting. The only problem is that there this Green Expo going on so it may be little more crowded than usual. Lukky and Sara are coming, too, at least they threatened to. See you later.