1400 Western Ave
Seattle, Washington 98101

Hi Everyone!
People seemed to enjoy the last event at Kell's so we're scheduling another one for this month. Again, these are a more casual, conversation, get-to-know-you, type events - not as much focused on taking shots. Lots of people brought their cameras to talk about last time and there was a lot of "shop talk". Last time a few photos made it up to the group site.

Any photostroll though, will be the one you do as you're coming to meet us! :-) Again, this is really close to the waterfront so you may have some sundown opportunities there and it's also close to Harbor Steps and, of course, the Market.

I'm keeping this event in downtown, as I know many people take the bus and I think this central location is probably easiest for everyone.

Typhoon is below the market - in the old Wild Ginger location for those of you who remember that. They have Happy Hour until 10:00!

Hope to see you there!

Official Website: http://flickrfan.meetup.com/11/events/4899548/

Added by djwudi on April 12, 2006



yo! thanks for adding the meetings to upcoming.org!