10 W Yuma Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85003

Sunday morning breakfast gathering for friends in flickr.

Added by cobalt123 on May 20, 2007



Please let us know in upcoming.org if you will be attending or have questions.


Notice in the Photos section, where the link says "Add more..." it says to tag your Flickr photos with "upcoming:event=193572". That way, the photos on your Flickr pages will link back to this page with a colorful little icon and hyperlink. It's neat!

Oh, and Lo-Lo's has the most amazing waffles I've ever tasted!!!


Chicken AND waffles? Wow.


FYI: I put the photos up in the Lo-Lo's event page because I wanted to show the place off to those who have not been there...


I added one photo of the friendly wait staff, just to show what a fun place it is. Once we post photos we actually took at the event, I'll remove it from this event page since it wasn't actually taken at *this* event. :-)


It's kind of weird to me that only photos from "after the fact" would be allowed in the photos to attach to a place. Since we have flickr to place those photos, before and after, it seems like a better idea for upcoming to have decent location photos in "their" database for use by others who may plan an event at this same place, using upcoming.yahoo.com for a group listing. Unless I am informed by upcoming that I can't post any image to identify a site, I'm leaving mine here. We need to get one to represent he Canyon de Chelly and Rhythym Room too, for the same reason.


I will ride over with LilBitch.



Great to hear you are coming, Rusty!


OK...I'm thinking about it....


cobalt123: You make a good point about putting photos on the location page itself. Upcoming doesn't do it, but if you click the Yahoo location link in the Upcoming location page, you can add a photo to the location page itself... which I see you once did! ;-) I added one too. I just clicked on the link in the upper left corner of this page that says "Lo-Lo's Chicken & Waffles" under "Where"... then clicked on this link: http://local.yahoo.com/details?id=19972205 On that page, I just added a photo of the location. You're right, though; it would be nice if some photos of the location itself would show up on this page without having to be tagged as being taken at that location on a certain date and time.


Just a note to the 6 other people attending (or 8, since two wrote to Cobalt and said they'd be there): I checked this morning, and Lo-Lo's doesn't open until 10.

I spoke with BJ, and she said she would go at 8:30 because there's no way to get the word out to everyone. She will be bringing coffee and donuts to tide us over. She says there's some nice stuff to photograph in the neighborhood. I'm going to be there at 8:30, so whoever shows up, I'll see you there!