Duboce and Valencia
San Francisco, California

Looking for a roommate? Why go through the trouble of coordinating dozens of interviews?

Now you can meet dozens of potential roommates all in one night, AND have a great time.

You know that with whom you live is every bit as important as where you live. The Flatmate Meetup lets you meet face-to-face with people who want to live with you. Get to know dozens of potential roommates and then take it from there. You'll find the perfect living situation, and you'll make new friends!

Meet in the courtyard at Zeitgeist, slap on the appropriate name tag, and meet your future (non-crazy) roommie!

Go to the Meetup page and RSVP now!

Official Website: http://roommate.meetup.com/335/events/5088477/%20

Added by kadavy on August 21, 2006