23 Empire Drive
St. Paul, Minnesota 55103


6:30-7:00 Networking
7:00-8:30 Presentations

Interested in streaming video online, but don't know where to begin? Want to build that next big video application that you can sell for millions to Google? Ever wonder what it takes to open-source a project? These questions and more will be answered at February's FlashMN meeting!

Featured speakers include FlashMN's own, Chuck Preston, who will bring us up to speed on streaming Flash technologies as well as answer any questions y'all might have on the subject.

Following Chuck's presentation, Brad Hosack and Mike Mensink will unveil VideoAnt - a streaming, open-source video annotation application they built in 2007 that is now hosted by the University of Minnesota. You can try out VideoAnt; all you need is an flv file! Just visit http://ant.umn.edu/

Refreshments will be served thanks to our fine sponsor, The Creative Group. As always, our friends at Easel Training will provide the space and other technical support. Please give our sponsors a hug when you see them!

Official Website: http://www.flashmn.com

Added by Toby Cryns on February 13, 2008