Code that loads or loaded code?
Code that's known to you alone or code that's shared throughout the globe?
Your code could be tricky code: hard to read and hard to know. Sticky, tricky dicky code.
Niqui's might be slicker code: documented open code. Quicker, wicked Flickr code.
Who knows who's code is better code? Us or her or you, by Jove?
There is no answer to this ode, just different ways to code along. Talking and deliberating, creates a better understanding. So we should share all that we know about the structure of our code. Niq will show an app she wrote to start a chat about its code, inviting you to share your thoughts about the way that we all work, so as developers we grow, by sharing that which we all know. It's like a dot-com sitcom about a hip-hop chip shop
At The Werks this happens soon, on the 29th of June, on the stroke of seven o clock.
Tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock!
Official Website:
Added by flashbrighton on June 8, 2010