375A Fifth Ave. (B/w 5th & 6th sts.)
Brooklyn, New York 11215

Like to get all sweaty? Think hitting on someone at the gym is kinda tacky? See someone so cute when you are running but you know you can't turn around because you got another mile to hit? Join us and other single folk that share your passion for fitness. Product giveaways, drink specials and dummy proof dating!

The whole goal here is to take the awkward out of dating. Missions include questions like, "Show me your biggest muscle." We want to endear people to each other, make them laugh, and show off all the brains! Welcome to dating that doesn't suck!

Why should I go??
This is the hardest part to answer. It's different for so many people. We can tell you, the event is setup to bring out your endearing side, your sense of humor, or worse..ours, and all the juicy bits that are fun to share in a no pressure situation.

This is a decision you need to make. Contemplate the questions below, and then well..c'mon down.

-Are you doing anything different in your routine to meet new people?
-Are you new to town?
-Do you hear, "You are "so cute", or "so great", how come you are single? (from your friends, coworkers, or Mom)
-Insert cat joke here...
-Are you 20ish to 30ish or identify there?
-Online dating isn't yer thing?
-Are you sometimes shy or awkward?
-Do you need a date for the holiday party or you would like to snuggle up this winter?

The 411
-This event is pre-paid only
-Tickets are $15, limited discount code - "funky monkey" for $5 off.
-Wear what you feel comfortable in. Be yourself, although unless otherwise noted, shirts and shoes are required in most venues. We also suggest you don't come right from the gym or as a total wreck.
-Come alone or come with a friend. Our events are created with your comfort in mind.
-We try to aim for an even ratio of men and women. When you RSVP please indicate if you are male or female.
-There will be a cash bar with drink specials and giveaways just for you.

Official Website: http://www.blushmonkey.net

Added by blush monkey ny on October 21, 2009

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