5401 Caroline St
Houston, Texas 77004

Holocaust Museum Houston will host a special presentation by Burton Reckles, an internationally recognized artisan whose Glass Encapsulated Miniatures (GEMS) have been displayed in museums around the world, as he speaks about his latest artwork “Eulogy” and how it is related to his discovery of the loss of his family members during the Holocaust. The practitioner of a 400-year-old art form, sometimes referred to as “ships in bottles,” turned his talents to creating GEMS pieces related to both antisemistism and the events of the 20th century’s greatest genocide after discovering that his great-grandmother and two great-aunts were murdered in the Holocaust. “Eulogy” serves as a memorial to them. Reckles will also share insider tips on how to create your own GEMS. Admission is free, but seating is limited, and advance registration is required. Visit www.hmh.org/RegisterEvent.aspx to RSVP online. Holocaust Museum Houston will be open extended hours on the First Thursday of every month. The Museum will remain open from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. for Members at the Sponsor Level and above. Quarterly, the Museum will present “Legacies and Lessons,” educational sessions about the Holocaust, other genocides and Museum events. For questions about membership or First Thursdays, please call Member Services at 713-527-1640 or e-mail [email protected].

Official Website: http://hmh.org/EventDescription.aspx?ID=507

Added by Holocaust Museum Houston on July 25, 2011