2803 First Street
Wyandotte, Michigan 48192

Our First Street Music Series features uplifting performances by regional and nationally known artists in a variety of traditions, from classical to jazz to folk and blues.

Children are welcome to attend all performances.

Jazz & Blues
Friday, October 2nd, 7:30 p.m.

St. Stephens Episcopal Church, 2803 First Street, Wyandotte, Michigan 48192, at First & Chestnut.

Admission is free, and donations to support the First Street Music Series are gratefully appreciated.

Featured artists include:

The Jazz Trio of: Mike Karoub (cello), James Dapogny (piano) and Rob Bourassa (guitar).

The Blues Band: Steelin' Time: Stephanie Mulkern (vocals), Pat Mulkern (guitar), Tim Bemis (guitar), Bruce Campbell (bass) and Bill Barker (drums).

Facebook: St. Stephens Episcopal Church, Wyandotte

Youtube: robbourassaguitarist
Myspace: Steelin' Time

Added by ststephens on August 9, 2009