829 W Main St
Louisville, Kentucky 40202

During this 45-minute live performance students learn about the life of one of America’s most infamous and complex personalities, as well as gain a better understanding of America during the mid 1800s. What was John Wilkes Booth’s childhood like? What drove this well-known actor to kill the president? What happened on the manhunt? These questions and many more are answered as students hear the story from several different viewpoints. Q and A and time to self-tour the museum galleries will occur afterwards. This performance was developed by one of the actors themselves, so this is also a unique opportunity for students to learn first-hand about the play writing process. Advanced reservations and payment required. Call (502) 753-5663 to reserve a spot today! (Recommended for grades 5-12.)

Official Website: http://www.fraziermuseum.org/learn-play/homeschool-programs/first-fridays

Added by Frazier History Museum on January 11, 2011