315 Main Street
Wakefield, Rhode Island 02879

Tap the power of prana, the vital life energy of the universe, to kindle a fire in the belly and channel that energy to cultivate a deep and abiding peace in the heart. This day-long yoga and meditation retreat is intended to bring prana to the forefront of your yoga to cultivate a powerful, energy-based, and deeply meditative practice. During the day,
you will:

* Learn and refine advanced pranayama techniques including the use of kumbhaka (breath retention) and the bandhas (locks) to stoke the pranic fire
* Integrate these skills into your practice of asana to raise the store of pranic energy
* Enhance your attunement to this life force and the subtle body
* Channel the flow of this energy to deepen and intensify your meditation practice

CEUS: 6 credits for Yoga Alliance

Official Website: http://www.allthatmatters.com/classView.cfm?classID=463&insID=529

Added by allthatmatters.com on March 31, 2009

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