215 Starling Avenue
Martinsville, Virginia 24112

A.T. Williams uses furniture as a canvas. He creates images without using stains or paints. Instead, he uses the natural colors and grain of exotic woods to create texture and dimension in his work. Embedding images into furniture results in pieces that are functional and beautiful.

Before coming to America in 1993, Thomas Johnson was a scholarship student at the prestigious woodworking institute in Rimini, Italy. There he was given the opportunity to work under the tutelage of world–renowned furniture makers. Much of Johnson's work is done by using traditional machinery, tools and methods such as dowel; mortise; tongue and groove construction; and precision hand–sanding and hand–rubbed finishing. He uses only the finest hardwoods and finishing products in his work.

Gallery Hours
Tue – Fri: 10 am – 5 pm
Saturday: 10 am – 3 pm

Official Website: http://www.piedmontarts.org/calendar.cfm?page=event&daterequest=1/15/2011

Added by Piedmont Arts on June 16, 2010

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