186 Exhibition Street
Melbourne, Victoria 3000


As students numbers increase and the budget is stretched, streamlining university operations and generating alternate income is imperative for Australian universities.


Ensure the sustainability of your university operations.
As the higher education environment becomes more competitive, universities must develop strategies to do more with fewer resources.
As students numbers increase and the budget is stretched, streamlining university operations and generating alternate income is imperative for Australian universities.

What you will take away by attending:
+Understand the future implications of growth in the demand driven funding system
+Practical strategies to increase non-government revenue
+Boosting university efficiency to teach more students with fewer resources
+Innovative financial models for effective university-wide budgeting
+View the conference agenda

“Universities are under more pressure to find income outside their traditional sources.”
- Winthrop Professor Phil Dolan, Dean of UWA Business School, University of Western Australia, Campus Review, January 2013


Twitter: http://atnd.it/13q9CZn
Inquiries: http://atnd.it/16LzSJN
Booking: http://atnd.it/Zz3I6T

Keywords: budget, operations, resource planning, vice-chancellor, university, higher ed, Research, higher education, finance.

Artists / Speakers: Spotless Group Limited, Scriven Group, The Mercer Group, Australia National University, The Parthenon Group, Graeme Dennehy and Associates, Charles Darwin University, Murdoch University, University of Canberra, The University of Melbourne, Australian National University, University of Tasmania, Queensland University of Technology, La Trobe University.

Official Website: http://atnd.it/Zz3KvJ

Added by evvntBUZZ on April 9, 2013

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