NWFF's quarterly Filmmaker's Saloon is a panel discussion and socializing event for the local film community. At South by Southwest 2005, Mutual Appreciation sound mixer Eric Masunaga half-jokingly coined a name for a mini-movement or scene or school or what-have-you. It's made up of filmmakers around the country who were then working independently, producing microbudgeted slices of ttwenty-something life, marked by fumbling inarticulate conversation and an exacting clarity in their attention to interpersonal dynamics. During the festival, a group of these filmmakers (Joe Swanberg, Aaron Katz, Bryan Poyser, Andew Bujalski, Dia Sokol, and the brothers Duplass, among others) entertained themselves arguing over whether the spelling should be "mumblecore" or "mumblecorps." Two years later, these filmmakers are no longer working independently of each other. Their ranks have expanded, and their work is maturing. What's the deal with this mumblecore gang; how is everyone connected within this social/artistic network? Does this interconnectedness yield better films or just an insulated community? Join us for a conversation hitting at the center of one of the most interesting movements in contemporary American cinema. Panelists include Mark Duplass, Aaron Katz, and Lynn Shelton.
Official Website: http://nwfilmforum.org
Added by nwfilmforum on August 10, 2007