600 4th St, West Sacramento, CA - 4th & F in West Sac
West Sacramento, California

Special Thursday Screening!

Location: 600 4th St, West Sacramento. That's the corner of 4th & F in West Sacramento (just over the river from downtown near the Pyramid Building).

Zeitgeist: The Movie

March 20 7:00 PM Admission: Free

This special screening is courtesy of a new group in town, WUA, and we're helping them out with it. About WUA: comprised of a group of individuals committed to conscious living and waking up our society. The resignation and ignorance in the world is a result of our society's unwillingness to share the truth. We at WUA are dedicated to truth telling and difference making and out of our commitment we have come together to create a forum for people in our community to begin to WAKE UP!

About the movie:
"Zeitgeist," produced by Peter Joseph, was created as a nonprofit filmiac expression to inspire people to start looking at the world from a more critical perspective and to understand that very often things are not what the population at large thinks they are. The film examines forms of social control including the manipulation of mythology, covert military operations and the manipulation of wealth and the money supply. The film received the Best Feature Documentary award from the Artivists Film Festival in 2007.

Again, this is a free screening!

Digital projection on to a large screen. Seating is mostly on folding chairs. Feel free to bring a pillow or cushion.

You can always check http://www.shiny-object.com/screenings/

[email protected]

Official Website: http://www.shiny-object.com/screenings/

Added by Movies On A Big Screen on March 6, 2008