600 4th St, West Sacramento, CA - 4th & F in West Sac
West Sacramento, California

Friday, May 15, 2009

7:00 PM & 9:30 PM

Location: 600 4th St, West Sacramento. That's the corner of 4th & F in WEST Sacramento, just over the river from downtown Sacto. Parking lot is off of F Street between 4th & 5th Streets.

Admission: $5.00

God's Cartoonist - The Comic Crusade of Jack Chick

For nearly forty years, Chick Publications under the leadership of Jack T Chick has published over three quarters of a billion religious tracts that have been distributed in over 100 languages around the world.

In the process, Jack Chick's name has become revered in the world of fundamentalist teachings, reviled among dozens of major religions and banned as hate literature in several countries. Outside the world of religion, the tracts have become highly valued pop culture collectibles with presentations in galleries from NY to LA and a permanent collection in the Smithsonian.

Notoriously reclusive, Chick Publications for the first time let camera crews in to meet the creators of the infamous works as well as noted authors, artists and collectors who have covered the history of all things Chick including the art, artists, writers, controversies, death threats, witch spells, Illuminati, Catholic assassins and more! Also features Rev. Ivan Stang of The Church of the Subgenius.

Official Website: http://www.moviesonabigscreen.com

Added by Movies On A Big Screen on April 28, 2009