600 4th St, West Sacramento, CA - 4th & F in West Sac
West Sacramento, California

March 21. 7:00 PM. Admission: $5.00

Location: 600 4th St, West Sacramento. That's the corner of 4th & F in West Sacramento (just over the river from downtown near the Pyramid Building).

American Carny: True Tales From the Circus Sideshow

STEP RIGHT UP! and come on the inside -- Beyond the banners and into the morbid curiosity that is the American Sideshow. Join Carnival Maestro Todd Robbins and award-winning filmmaker, Nick Basile, on a journey into a world of circus freaks, fire eaters, human blockheads, magicians, contortionists, professional lunatics, and much, much more. In this in-depth documentary, you will travel the historic road of the American sideshow from the circus tents to the American Dime Museum in Baltimore, to the last 'ten-in-one sideshow' that exists today on Brooklyn's infamous Coney Island.

This fascinating and fun documentary not only features some amazing sideshow performances, but also provides a strong humanistic perspective of both the sideshow and its performers. Features Jennifer Miller, The Woman With a Beard; Ula, The Pain Proof Rubber Girl (a David Letterman favorite); The Great Nippulini; Serpentina; Danielle Stampe (also of GWAR); Twistina; Harley Newman, Professional Lunatic; Ses Carny and many, many more! Narrated by Penn Jillette of Penn & Teller.

Digital projection on to a large screen. Seating is mostly on folding chairs. Feel free to bring a pillow or cushion.

You can always check http://www.shiny-object.com/screenings/

[email protected]

Added by Movies On A Big Screen on March 6, 2008