31 W Ohio
Chicago, Illinois 60610

Instituto Cervantes Chicago is proud to present this year's Chicago Flamenco Festival. The month-long festival will feature performances, workshops, lectures, and film screenings celebrating the Andalusian art of flamenco, and will culminate in the world-wide "Día de Andalucia" day of simultaneous performances in all 26 Instituto Cervantes Centers around the world.

As part of the Chicago Flamenco Festival 2010, we will be presenting “Camarón, un mito”, directed by Jaime Chavarri. This movie was awarded 3 Goya Prizes in 2005 and it is a journey through the life and work of José Monge Cruz, better known as "Camarón de la Isla". The film is a tribute to this great flamenco singer, who created a whole new way to view the art of flamenco and who had a huge influence on future generations, breaking social and artistic borders. His desires, successes and his struggles are the ingredients in his own personal evolution and are reflected in his particular way of creating music. Camarón taught the world a new way to appreciate flamenco.

Official Website: http://chicago.cervantes.es/en/default.shtm

Added by Instituto Cervantes on February 24, 2010