9370 Ridgeline Blvd
Highlands Ranch, Colorado 80129

Film in the Park
Plan to join the HRCA family summer tradition! Bring a blanket and enjoy great FREE family* movies! Mark the dates now! No dogs are allowed in the park.
Civic Green Park, 9370 Ridgeline Blvd., Highlands Ranch

Fri 8/6/10
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Fri 8/13/10
Wizard of Oz
Fri 8/20/10

Show time: Dusk (approx 8:30 p.m.) Admission is FREE.
*Parental Discretion recommended.

Info: HRCAonline.org or 303-791-2500

Added by mepling95 on August 11, 2010

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