Monday, June 5th will be the New York Festival Premier of CALL IT
DEMOCRACY as part of the Brooklyn International Film Festival at the
Brooklyn Museum. For information and directions:
Buy tickets here:
CALL IT DEMOCRACY has been orchestrally scored and fully updated.
PLEASE post this notice to your lists, your friends, everyone old
enough to register to vote in next five years, and anyone in the press,
large or small. CALL IT DEMOCRACY is a dialog trigger to election
reform. It's the perfect film to educate yourself and watch with with
friends with whom you politically disagree. Your kind words, thoughts
and conversation are our publicity.
The schedule indicates CALL IT DEMOCRACY will start at 6pm after two
short films. For most, this means leaving work on time, and then
getting to Brooklyn. The festival organizers have encouraged me to
encourage you to come late, because it won't start on time. Let's hope
All the Best,
Matt Kohn
" With an impressive array of expert testimony, "Call It Democracy"
thoughtfully probes events surrounding the U.S. presidential election
of 2000. Far from being another attack on the election's much-disputed
results, it's an illuminating and engrossing non-partisan look at the
longstanding need to address issues including voters' rights and
election reform. It could easily find a home on PBS, CNN, the History
Channel or a major network.
Blending man-on-the-street comments with reflections from legal and
political experts and journalists from all sides of the spectrum, "Call
It Democracy" doesn't repeat Michael Moore's indignant "How could it
happen?" battle cry. Instead, helmer Matt Kohn operates from the
premise that with an Electoral College system, of course it could
happen. Commentators including Alan Dershowitz, Vincent Bugliosi and
former Senator Birch Bayh (D-IN) examine important historical events,
including the 1960 Kennedy vs. Nixon campaign, George Wallace's
attempted manipulation of the Electoral College in 1968, and prior
elections when the popular vote did not prevail. Kohn supplements the
piece with fresh footage from the November 2004 election and raises
compelling questions about the perils of electronic voting."-By LAEL
The New York Times
?The result is not only a very personal rehashing of the events? from a
multitude of opinions (scholars, scientists, politicians, and everyday
citizens), but a poignant reminder that election reform may be needed
to preserve voting rights in an era of butterfly ballots and
computerized voting machines? ? Tracie Cooper
Ain?t It Cool News by Albert Lanier
?A soup to nuts approach to its subject. Whereas other docs might skimp
here or skimp there on facts, Kohn provides an extremely watchable,
highly relevant doc? finds its strength in research, effective
interview scenes and intelligent argumentation of its positions? There
are interesting facts and arguments abounding? highly stimulating
intellectually due to its clear ability to articulate the inherent
problems and dilemmas facing the voting process this year and perhaps
in years to come?. although the major parties, political advocacy
groups and every other kind of political organization under the sun
says that every vote counts, it is very clear that they do not count
every vote.?
Official Website:
Added by strudeau on May 24, 2006