353 S. Fifth Ave.
Ann Arbor, MI, Michigan

In the last fifty years, Detroit, one of the wealthiest cities in America, has transformed into one of the most economically and socially challenged. This award-winning documentary, directed by Mascha and Manfred Poppenk, focuses on the urban gardening efforts managed by a public school of 300 pregnant and parenting teenagers in Detroit. As part of the curriculum, the girls are taught agricultural skills on the school's own farm behind the school building. Through farming, the young mothers, often still children themselves, learn to become more independent women and gain knowledge about the importance of nutritional foods.

This event is co-sponsored by the University of Michigan Community Scholars' Program and by Slow Food Huron Valley. A discussion will follow the screening of this 60 minute film (which is not rated).

Official Website: http://www.aadl.org/events/list?id=8838

Added by ann arbor district library on August 23, 2010