353 S. Fifth Ave.
Ann Arbor, MI, Michigan

What's happened to all the small local record stores? Local record stores are dwindling everywhere, and well over half of the record stores that existed 10 years ago are now gone. This documentary looks at the local impact of two small record stores, The Sound Depot, in Alma and New Moon Record in Mount Pleasant (both of which are now closed) in examining the national phenomenon of record store closings. The impact of record company conglomeration, low prices at discount stores and file sharing via the Internet have put a stranglehold on the majority of small stores and even many large chains. Producers and directors Tim O'Brien and Andrew Bare will be present to discuss their 30 minute documentary.

Official Website: http://www.aadl.org/events/list?id=7927

Added by ann arbor district library on August 23, 2010